QBANA Constitution and By-Laws


The constitution and by-laws described herein were accepted by a majority of a quorum present at the August 24, 2004 monthly meeting of the Qualicum Beach Area Newcomers Alumni. Amendments since that date have been listed in the record at the end of this document.


1. The name of the club is “QUALICUM BEACH AREA NEWCOMERS ALUMNI” (short form QBANA).

2. The purpose of the club is to meet and make friends through recreational, social and special-interest activities.


These bylaws may be augmented by operating procedures, which may be updated at an executive meeting to accommodate day-to-day changes in routine. Operating procedures must not contravene the constitution or any of the bylaws.

1. Membership

  • 1.1 Membership is open to any person residing in the province of British Columbia who has reached the age of majority, who has at one time been a member of the QUALICUM BEACH AREA NEWCOMERS CLUB and who has applied for membership.
    • 1.1.1 Upon request, the executive may waive these conditions by unanimous vote. (Motion approved at a regular meeting of the membership on 22 May 2007.)
  • 1.2 Every member has a duty to uphold the constitution and comply with these by-laws.
  • 1.3 Every member in good standing is a voting member.
  • 1.4 A person ceases to be a member of the club
    1. a) By delivering his or her resignation to the secretary or
    2. b) On his/her death or
    3. c) On having his/her membership revoked or
    4. d) On failing to be a member in good standing
  • 1.5 A member may have his/her membership revoked by the passing of a special resolution of the members at a general meeting.
  • 1.6 Notice of a special resolution for revoking a membership must include a statement of the reasons for the revocation.
  • 1.7 Before a special resolution for revocation is put to a vote, a member who is subject of a notice of revocation must be given an opportunity to be heard at the general meeting.
  • 1.8 Members cease to be in good standing if their annual dues have not been paid by the last day of June or if they have had other outstanding debts to the club for more than three months.

2. Meetings

  • 2.1 Meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.
  • 2.2 The order of business at a general meeting must be set out in an agenda.
  • 2.3 Every agenda must contain, but is not limited to, a Financial Report and an Executive Report.
  • 2.4 Business must not be conducted at a general meeting unless a quorum of the membership is present.
  • 2.5 A quorum is twenty members in good standing.
  • 2.6 The chairperson may move or propose a resolution.
  • 2.7 The chairperson may vote on a resolution if there is a tie vote.
  • 2.8 Each member in good standing and present at a meeting is entitled to one vote on each question arising at that meeting.
  • 2.9 Voting is by show of hands. A secret ballot may be held at the discretion of the chairperson or if requested by a quorum of the members present.
  • 2.10 The March monthly meeting will be the Annual General Meeting.
  • 2.11 A special meeting of the alumni will be held when requested in writing by no fewer than seven members in good standing or by a majority of the Executive.
  • 2.12 A minimum of fourteen days’ notice must be given before the Annual General Meeting.
  • 2.13 Notice of meetings must use all available means to ensure that members are informed.

3. Executive Officers

  • 3.1 The club is to be managed by an elected executive consisting of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Social Director. The Immediate Past President may be invited to attend executive meetings in an advisory capacity.
    • 3.1.1 Executive positions may be shared by members in good standing. A shared position has one vote only
  • 3.2 Only members in good standing may be elected to the executive.
  • 3.3 No member of the Qualicum Beach Area Newcomers Club executive or the executive of other like graduate organizations may serve concurrently on the QBANA executive.
  • 3.4 The duties of the executive will be consistent with their position, as it is commonly practiced.
  • 3.5 The executive meets on a regular basis at the call of the President.
  • 3.6 The executive may appoint a member to fill a vacancy on the executive or any committee. A by-election may be called if the appointment will exceed four months before the next Annual General Meeting.

4. Finance

  • 4.1 The fiscal year is from March 1 to the last day of February the following year.
  • 4.2 The Treasurer must create an account at a recognized financial institution on behalf of the club and must account for finances using accepted banking procedures.
  • 4.3 The books of account must be open for inspection to members upon request and by arrangement.
  • 4.4 The executive must create a forecast of expenses to establish membership fees for approval at an Annual General Meeting.
  • 4.5 Membership fees will be paid yearly and will expire at the end of the fiscal year. There will be a three-month grace period before loss of membership in good standing.
  • 4.6 The club may not borrow money except with the approval of a majority of the members in good standing.
  • 4.7 Financial signing authority for the Qualicum Beach Newcomers Alumni is given to the Treasurer, the President and the Vice President, but requires only one signature. The Treasurer will designate either the President or the Vice President to act as Treasurer when he/she is absent.
  • 4.8 The Qualicum Beach Area Newcomers Alumni is a not-for-profit organization.
  • 4.9 A volunteer event will be held each year in appreciation of those members who spend time during the year organizing social and recreational activities for the club.

5. By-Laws

  • 5.1 A motion to amend the Constitution or its By-laws requires that members be given minimum notice of 28 days before a vote.
  • 5.2 The Constitution may be amended by a seventy five percent vote of the members at a meeting for which proper notice has been given.
  • 5.3 The by-laws may be amended by a fifty-one percent vote of the members at a meeting for which proper notice has been given.
  • 5.4 Each member is entitled to one free copy of the Constitution and By-laws.

6. Committees

  • 6.1 Volunteer or appointed members may form committees to plan, implement and co-ordinate the social and recreational activities of the club.
  • 6.2 Each committee may consist of one or more members.
  • 6.3 If a committee has more than one member, committee members will select a leader from within.
  • 6.4 Standing committees may be formed to act as advisors as required. These may include, but are not limited to, by-laws, finance, membership, nominating.


1.1.1To enable executive discretion in approving membership in unusual circumstances.May 22, 2007Waive, request, unanimous
2.5MEETINGS: QUORUM: redefines number constituting a quorum. Needed due to larger membership & fewer people at meetings.June 17/08quorum, members
4.7FINANCE: In Treasurer’s absence, redefines who assumes duties.July 22/08Treasurer, absence, duties
4.8Deleted as redundant because of 4.7 amendment.July 22/08 
4.9Re-numbered: now 4.8 because of deletion of old 4.8.July 22/08 
4.9A volunteer event will be held each year in appreciation of those members who spend a year organizing social and recreational activities for the club.April 26/11Volunteer, event, activities
3.4Limitation on terms of members of Executive Committee deleted.May 27, 2014 
3.5Re-numbered: now 3.4 due to deletion of old 3.4May 27, 2014 
3.6Re-numbered: now 3.5 due to deletion of old 3.4May 27, 2014 
3.7Re-numbered: now 3.6 due to deletion of old 3.4May 27, 2014 
1.4 c)Changing “expelled” to “having his/her membership revoked”.February 27, 2018 
1.4 d)Delete “for a period of three months”.February 27, 2018 
1.5Replace “expelled” with “have his/her membership revoked”.February 27, 2018 
1.6Replace “for expulsion” and “expulsion” with “for revoking a membership” and “revocation” respectively.February 27, 2018 
1.7Replace “expulsion” and “for expulsion” with “revocation” and “of revocation” respectively.February 27, 2018 
2.10Change to reflect the April meeting as the AGM without the need for a separate meeting.February 27, 2018 
4.9Change “spend a year” to “spend time during the year”.February 27, 2018 
2.10Change the AGM to MarchApril 26, 2022
4.1Change the fiscal year to March-FebruaryApril 26, 2022