
The membership team is:

  • AliceMarquardt

Please use the contact form below to contact the membership team.

New Members

Former members of QB Area Newcomers’ Club are automatically eligible for membership in QBANA.  Friends and neighbors may also be invited to join. A person who is not a former member of Newcomers may also become a member if proposed by an existing QBANA member and if the proposal is approved by the QBANA Executive Committee. Members wishing to propose such a person for membership should send the proposal stating name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the proposed new member to the secretary or to any member of the Executive.


The membership fee is $15.00. For members renewing their membership, the fee is $10.00 before June 30 and $15.00 after June 30. Renewal fees are usually collected in May and June.

The cost for a name tag is $7.50 for a magnetic clasp or $5.00 for a pin closure.

General Disclaimer

All events and activities of the Qualicum Beach Area Newcomers Alumni are organized for the benefit and enjoyment of members. Individuals who participate do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

Contact the Membership Team

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone Number

    Your Message