Happy Hour 14 June 2023

Date:                      WednesdayJune 14, 2023

Time:                      4:30 pm 

Place:                     Estuary Place Club House, #19, 161 Shelly Road, Parksville

Price:                     $5.00 pp 

(as there is no General Meeting before the event, payment can be made to either:    Alice Dueck or Ruth Harding or arranged to pay at the door)

Contact:                Alice Dueck,            or

                               Ruth Harding

What to bring:     An appetizer to share

                               Your libation of choice         

                               Coffee, dishes and wine glasses will be provided.

 RSVP:                   Friday, June 2, 2023

Additional Information:

Parking:                (a)     there are 7 parking spots on the strata grounds (three on the right hand side as you come Into the Strata and four on the left);

                              (b)     street parking

You may use the Club House parking for dropping off guests but please do not use it for permanent parking.