11th August 2016 Annual Summer BBQ and games.

1500 hrs to 1900 hrs at the Rotary Park on Qualicum Beach seafront.  BBQ and games. Tickets $10.00. An extremely fine day with very little wind from the sea was the background at Rotary Park for the BBQ event.  Wine and beer were available and beverage tickets were sold at $4:00 each.  The BBQ items […]

July 21st 2016 Frances Barkley cruise

  A great day for a  Summer West Coast cruise. A day trip from Port Alberni to  Bamfield. The boat left Port Alberni at 8:00 am on Thursday July 21st.  One hour was spent in Bamfield, returning to Port Alberni at 5:00 pm. The ship is also a working freight boat with interesting stops along […]

N.I. Wildlife R.C. Thursday, May 26, 2016

North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre Tour and Picnic, Thursday, May 26, 2016 A one and a half hour guided tour of the NIWRC has been arranged.  Start time is 10:30 a.m.  Cost is $10.00 p.p.  Following the tour we are planning on a picnic lunch.  Weather permitting, there is a covered gazebo and garden with […]

Spring in Mexico – Thursday, April 28th, 2016

Our year-end wind up event took place at the Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club and 56 members attended.  The cost of $35.00 p.p.  included taxes, gratuities, entertainment and door prizes. The theme was Spring in Mexico and the hall was extensively and elaborately decorated to suit. Cocktails started at 5:30 p.m. with a special on Margaritas, followed by […]

Games Day – Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Our annual ‘Games Day’ took place at a new location this year – the Quality Inn in Parksville (previously known as the Bayside).  Games started at 11:00 a.m. in one of the Inn’s meeting rooms. We had about 30 people out, playing a variety of games including “Quizzler”, “Sequence”, “Wizard”,  ” Five Crowns”, and “Link-0”. […]

QBANA Monthly Pub Happy Hour

The meetings at the Qualicum Beach Inn’s lounge (formerly the Old Dutch Inn) are usually on the first Tuesday of the month, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.  However the attendance has recently been low and meetings are suspended for July and August.